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Data, ontologies, definitions and business rules should be compliant with open standards and transparent governance procedures as defined by recognized standards bodies.

Where necessary, the EKGF will work with relevant standards bodies or projects to propose new standards or enhance existing ones.


It's important for enterprises to have trust in the quality, interoperability and stability of the structures and interfaces used in such a strategic investment as an EKG.

It provides freedom of choice in being able to mix and match different technologies and models, either in a federated EKG or over time. That includes standards being able to respond to new advances in both technology and techniques.


It can sometimes take longer to work with industry partners to reach the consensus needed for standardization, and to use change control/governance procedures. Release cycles may be phased to avoid constantly changing interfaces. In order to achieve agility some work products may be deployed on standards that are have a provisional status---these need to be carefully identified.
